Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Procter and Gamble touches the lives of people around the world three billion times a day. With presence in over 80 countries worldwide, P&G capitalizes on its ability to screen different environments for new trends and on its prompt response to consumer needs via innovative outlets. The company understands not only the pressures of the fast paced of 21st century marketplace, but also the implications of an overly stimulated consumer market. Access to new media outlets has allowed brands to intensify its communication efforts. However, the heightened availability of information has shortened one’s ability to capture all messages that are received; in an effort to avoid processing overload, the consumer has become highly selective. Competition is no longer about who has the best offerings, but rather who has the best relationships with its clients.  In this setting, P&G is a winner.
Through a strong public relations strategy, P&G brands win space in the audience’s limited attention spam and are able to drive awareness to their message. P&G’s wide product portfolio presents a wide set of challenges in different categories and markets. From its experience, the company’s PR has been able to dissect the effectiveness of different media outlets to construe the appropriate communication mix that define its campaign’s success. 
One of the best examples of the use of its art is P&G’s BeingGirl.com microsite. Launched in July of 2000, by P&G’s Tampax and Always, the virtual forum was introduced as part of an effort to gain consumer loyalty within the young adult market segment. As the two feminine product category leaders, the brands had already build brand equity within the adult market. In order to expand its presence in the marketplace, there was a need to infiltrate its youngest consumer’s lives. What Tampax and Always understood is that they provide essential products that are reliant on word-of-mouth influence.  With this in mind, the campaign’s goal was to become a trusted resource for first – time buyers who need guidance in selecting products.
But the focus of the website does not revolve on promoting the products, it is much more than that. The site is cutting –edge. The 10-year success of the campaign is due to its ability to interact with the consumer on a personal level and develop a trusted relationship. P&G understands that the last thing that 12 year-old girls want to talk about is tampons, so lets not talk about it. Instead the PR strategy focused on developing a website community that addressed the conflicts and hardships of growing up. BeingGirl.com worked closely with a teenage advisory board to provide its audience with not only information about its products, but also to have available downloads, games, and other interactive features such as “Ask Iris” (an advice section that receives more than 3000 questions each week). Access to advice from health experts and teens alike create an environment that encourages participation and a desire to return. The website cradles the young consumer’s needs. In an adult dominated world, the preteen feels voiced and, most importantly, the preteen feels heard.
This digital campaign is not just another avenue to gain exposure and hike up the number of impressions. It is a platform to express brand personality and benefit from a two –way communication model. P&G must continue to listen to its consumers and accommodate their strategies accordingly. In fact, in 2000, assessing effectiveness of the site at the early stages of implementation saved it from being a “one- click” wonder. The website was filled with dry facts about puberty. After months of no traffic increase P&G came back to the white board. What they found is that their audience is not only concerned about growing up; it also likes music, fashion, boys, etc. They quickly partnered with Sony Music to bring free downloads to the website. In 2005 received the Best Online Community Award from the WebAward Competition.
Today, BeingGirl.com receives over 2million monthly visitors.  The website has expanded its presence internationally and has broadened its PR strategy to incorporate key partnerships with other organizations and brands. P&G was one of the first companies to capitalize on developing a strong consumer relationship. The best way to ensure a positive buzz is to take on an active role in generating that buzz.  Through BeingGirl.com, Tampax and Always, are ambassadors of their consumers’ lifestyles. Capturing the loyalty of the young consumer market translates into a lifetime “friendship”.

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